How To Apply Make up Bigger Looking Eyes

Some say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The eyes can be regarded as the most expressive of the face. According to the classical standards of beauty, the distance between the eyes should be equal to that of one eye. There are various makeup tricks to make your eyes look bigger, smaller, closer together, or, on the contrary, wider ... In this article, let's talk about the top 5 tips to make your eyes look bigger with makeup:


1) The easiest way to instantly make your eyes look bigger, to curl lashes. To do this, start at the root, and then go to the half way point of your eyelash length and curl up again, as you achieve natural looking curl.

2) Apply two coats of mascara on the upper lashes, it will make them look thicker and create a lifting effect for your lids. Catch every lash while applying mascara - from the roots up to the Zig Zag movements.

3) Play with shadows. Apply white shimmering eyeshadow or a marker on the inner corners of your eyes, as well as under the eyebrows. Light reflecting particles will improve and "open" the eye.

4) Use a dark eye shadow on the outer corners of the eyes (use a brown, gray or black eye shadow). The contrast of light and dark colors will make your eyes look bigger.

5) Play with eyeliner. Relevance, eyeliner can make your eyes look smaller, depending on the method of how you apply it. For example, if you have very small eyes, avoid applying eyeliner all around the eyes. Instead, draw a line only your upper lash line and make it thicker as you move away from your nose, it will create a winged effect and visually enlarge the eyes.

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