Answers To What Are Free Radicals And Why Are They Harmful

We know how much oxygen is essential for nashogo body. He argues that the amount of work, and it keeps us alive somewhere. We can not live without oxygen to live our lives. That is, most of us do not know that it is so important, it is equally harmful as well. This is because oxygen is known to be highly reactive molecule when metabolized form many species that were damaged during the process of oxidation of our living cells. This view of the human body, are known as free radicals. Therefore it is very important to know what free radicals are and why they are harmful.

These free radicals attack the cells in the body and damage. This applies in general to fat, protein and DNA in the organism. Brain because these free radicals stressed. Been studies that have been conducted, which showed that there are some significant link between increased levels of free radicals and neurodegenerative diseases.

That is why we say that free radicals can damage cells in the brain, heart, immune system and body. This is very important, they are neutralized. These can be neutralized with antioxidants. It is necessary to foods that are rich in antioxidants, so that neutralizes free radicals before they eat no more harm to your system. This is to ensure that products, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and vegetables, beans, nuts and vegetables are an important part of our diet. They help to achieve a good metabolism and allows you to live a life free from the stress caused by free radicals.

After many other studies, it is known that free radicals do much good for the human body, as it can harm the body. These free radicals contribute to attack bacteria or germs on the outside and fight, as do the white blood cells. Thus, they are useful when the immune system is not functioning properly. These free radicals also play a vital role in the process of communication between the different cells.

This is also due to the presence of these free radicals, which is also the body's functions. Thus, you should always have a balanced amount of free radicals in the body. Not neutralized with all the free radicals, but only to have the optimum level of radicals in the body....

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